Gary Reyes, Mercury News photographer and Internship Coordinator, spoke during Dr. Cheers’ beginning photojournalism class this past Monday. Mr. Reyes spoke mainly about the transition that he has made from digital SLR cameras to HD video cameras (he is one of three Mercury News photographers to shoot exclusively in HD video).
The most important points that I took away from the discussion centered around how shooting video has changed how Gary operates as a journalist. Whereas, with the digital camera Gary had become so accustomed to using, he could practically sleepwalk through an assignment, using the video camera forced him to slow down and really evaluate his work and the story that he is trying to tell.
Also, Mr. Reyes pointed out that, no matter the technological transition (be it from B&W –> color –> digital –> video) storytelling, and the techniques and theory that we learn in school will remain the same.
For those that missed the talk, he will be back at San Jose State again on Wednesday, March 7 at 3:00pm in DBH 209b. Everyone is welcome to attend.