6 thoughts on “Spartan Daily Podcast

  1. Good job guys! Great idea to have a podcast. And good job reading Sara!

    I was just wondering why there is no mention of it on the main Web page, in the RSS feed, in the email edition, or in the paper edition. Are we planning on doing it every day? How are people going to find out about it?

  2. Kyle, right now there is only the link to the podcasts next to the section links in the horizontal nav bar. I am hoping that will change and we can have a nice graphic made by the ad staff or something along those lines and get some promotion in the paper. In this instance, I got the recorder, said okay let’s just do it, and we did it. So we didn’t really have time to promote it as we would have liked.

    Come talk to me, or I’ll find you, about some other ideas I have been kicking around.

  3. I’m so excited about the stuff we’re doing (Well, the stuff Daniel is doing that he lets me help with.) It’s amazing the way it all came together so quickly — it was sort of a first trial run for us. There will be a box advertising the podcast today in the Daily, and hopefully we’ll be able to get a graphic thing up on the Web site soon.

  4. Sorry if I sounded negative. I think it is awesome and give you and Sara major kudos for getting it done. I just was wondering how other people could find out about it. I’ll help spread the word, and can’t wait to help out with other projects.

  5. No, no, not negative. You are absolutely right, it was not promoted. I asked the ad staff to create a logo of some sort to replace the headphones you see on the podcast page. This would also be used on the main page, I think, if we move the podcasts from the hor nav bar to the right column. It would be placed either above Update News, with the logo and saying Spartan Podcasts or something, or shrink Update into its own logo as well and place them side-by-side.


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