Drum Circle @ Green School

Posted below is the latest multimedia I have completed for Green School. It is the third flipbook style audio slideshow I have done (and I think my favorite so far), with photos and sound from a drum circle held at school for the Year 1 – 2 and Year 3 – 4 classes.

My photography has been getting noticeably stagnant (at least in my eyes) in the past couple of months and I know that I need to push myself to do more creative pieces, hopefully starting with the one below. Being out of journalism, and not being surrounded by a talented group of motivated visual artists, has definitely forced me to become much more self-motivated, and so far I have responded by going to the beach.

5 thoughts on “Drum Circle @ Green School

  1. Going to that drum circle was a bi-weekly event for me, and I think at least a weekly event for the kids. I can’t believe I didn’t buy one while I was out there.

  2. I just came across your website today and I am really enjoying all your blog posts and your images. Just yesterday I came up with the idea using this flip book style for a project. I see that this is an old blog post but if you happen to come across this comment I would be really interested in learning how you did this! Its very cool.

  3. Hey Michelle,

    Sorry to get back to you so late. I really just bursted a bunch of frames with my camera and then did some quick batch toning with Bridge and Camera Raw. After that I brought them into Final Cut (I made sure to change the length of stills in FCP from 10 seconds to 1 second or less). After making a few adjustments to timing and adding the title slides I was ready to export it out.

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