What I’ve learned so far…

I’ve been in Des Moines almost two weeks now, and it hit my last night, while eating dinner with the Chips Quinn intern at the Register, Jacqueline Lee, who happens to be from Monterey Park, that she is going back home and I am not.

Though I have only been here for a short time, I have already learned quite a bit including…

Everything, and I mean everything, is 10-15 minutes away from everything else.
Traffic does not exist in Iowa.
Winter does exist.
Going for an evening jog is, in fact, not an invigorating experience.
Sidewalks are slippery.
Iowans are very friendly.
There are many aspiring photographers in Iowa (I’ve been surprised by just how many people stop me to talk about photography when I am shooting).
It’s cold.

One thought on “What I’ve learned so far…

  1. Hi Daniel. Welcome to the frozen North! Was glad to hear you found a home at the Register. You’ll have to say hello to Lee Rood for me. No doubt your curiosity, enthusiasm, and good work ethic are paying off there. Hope you can come back to St. Cloud to visit the photo guys sometime.

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