Back in the swing of things

When you haven’t shot anything in about four months, it is nice to have an assignment that you are really excited about. Luckily for me, I had the opportunity to photograph the second round of the Pebble Beach Pro Am.

Pebble Beach

Being a college student not from a daily newspaper or photo agency, I was given an outside the ropes photo pass. This brought up some difficulties as I was always restricted in where I could photograph not only by the ropes, but also by the crowds of people who had the same goal that I did, getting the best view possible.

Phil Mickelson

If I followed alongside a player and waited to see where his shot landed, I ran the risk of the green being already surrounded with me standing four back with a good view of some shoulders and probably a few umbrellas. If I ran ahead and found a good spot around the green, I had to wait and hope that a player’s shot would land in a place that made it possible to photograph their next shot. Both options proved somewhat frustrating.

Bryce Molder

All in all though, it felt great to go and and shoot again, especially at a course as beautiful as Pebble Beach. The remaining photos from the day can be seen on my flickr account.

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